Sunday, November 4, 2007


After numerous questions from other families asking us what our blog site was, we decided to make the leap into blogging! Since we are adopting for the second time, I thought this would be the easiest way to keep everyone updated with our progress on our adoption and also post updates on our 2-year old. Forgive me in advance - I am new to this, so the blog is a work-in-progress!


Barbie said...

Looks great so far!! Welcome to the blog world. :)

kitchu said...

Welcome to Blogville! Watch out, gets addicting :O) Love that pic!

Snowflowers Mum said...

woohoo! I'm so glad you did it! If you ask Danielle to reso it, then perhaps you could ask her to donate her part to OCDF?

ask GMAC for the chipin widget html so you can put that link on your blog too!


tiffany said...

Looking forward to following your journey. :)

Patricia said...

Looks great, Melanie!! I look forward to keeping up with your journey to Ethan!

And as Kris mentioned...blogging IS addicting!! ;)

Carrie said...

I am so glad your are blogging. Our site is
check us out!

Ramona said...

Welcome to Blogville! I agree that it is addicting! We'll be checking your site often!


Anonymous said...

hey! I like your blog & look forward to following your journey!